One Light Global is now able to receive donations for Ukraine!
We are working directly in partnership with Ukrainian humanitarian organizations on the ground providing refugees with medical and other emergency aid. All donations in the US are 100% tax deductible.
On Thursday, February 24th 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine, displacing over 4 millions citizens and causing an immense humanitarian crisis. Over 2.5 Million Ukrainians, the vast majority women and children, have fled the country. Men aged 18 to 60 have been banned from leaving, armed and required to stay in the region to fight. Over a dozen cities have been attacked, and key airports and infrastructure occupied, including Chernobyl. Innocent civilians, including children, elderly and the infirm are being left without food, shelter, medical aid, access to water and other basic necessities. For Europe it is a crisis unparalleled since WWII.
One Light Global is partnering with several groups working directly on the ground in Ukraine
and on the Polish border to get these innocent victims the resources they need.