Help Us Save Children's Lives in Myanmar Now !

Community, I need your help.

As a new mom (I think maybe all you parents out there can relate) watching my amazing, joyful, innocent baby - the idea of any children suffering in the world has become almost unbearable. I realized that I wanted to focus One Light Global's humanitarian work on children.

As many of you know, we have been supporting innocent civilians in Myanmar in small ways throughout the horrible war there for the past few years.

We have a rare opportunity now to save the lives of children. We have people we know on the ground that can get support directly to the children. I have asked specifically that every single dollar all go to the children. Even a little bit can save lives of children. A lot can save a lot of children.

1.⁠ ⁠$100- Buys enough food for over 50 children for 1 week (Rice, vegetables and salt)

2.⁠ ⁠$200- Buys food, water and milk powder for 50-100 children for several days

3.⁠ ⁠$300- Buys disability aids for 22 children, food for 50 children for 1 week

4.⁠ ⁠$400- Buys treatment and medical aid for 210 children and small food parcels

5.⁠ ⁠$500- Buys life-saving surgery and treatment for 213 children and food parcels

It is rare to have a chance to make a donation with such a huge impact. We have already sent $6000, but we are out of funds. We would like to send $15000. If you or anyone you know or any of your networks would be willing to donate or share this information.

You can donate here: any and all donations to One Light Global are tax deductible and 100% goes directly to Burma. The only overhead fee we pay is a wire transfer fee, which is about $25 for every wire I send.

From our contact on the ground:

The doc shows a bit more info and the increases of sickness and malnutrition here in children. We are looking at a huge number of kids in need in shan and chin also. TB has also increased alwell as Opisthorchiasis and Leptospirosis, children are suffering severely from these and most are fatal to children so we are urgently ordering medicines from bangladesh and thailand UPDATES ON CRISES AFFECTING CHILDREN WITHIN STATES IN MYANMAR-

● In Arakan state, there are roughly 15,6391 children which are displaced/in need

● Increased numbers of children suffering from diarrhoea, since march, 87 children under 13

have died due to diarrhoea and dehydration in Arakan state alone

● There are roughly over 340 infants without any access to formula around Kyautaw and

Sittwe alone.

● Currently within Arakan state there are thousands of children in camps and rohingya

children which have been forced to flee their designated camps who are completely without food, only have access to diseased and dirty water, and all injured children between Kyauktaw and chin state are without any medical care.

● In Chin state there are increases of child landmine victims, many of whom die before treatment is given.

● Dysentery, giardia, malaria, dengue, COVID-19, Leishmaniasis, TB, Rabies, Syphilis, Cholera, e coli and leprosy, are all on rapid increases and we are seeing more fatalities of young children and infants, very basic medical care or medicines would prevent countless deaths.

● There is an estimated 2 million children malnourished in Myanmar, this is an estimate given by international organisations, However, SFH estimates there are far more, increased numbers of IDP children are so severely malnourished they are extremely stunted in growth, meaning the average 8 year old in suffering locations are roughly the size of a healthy 4 year old.

● Increase in forced labour/trafficking including sexual and child recruitment (forced child recruitment as soldiers by SAC and ZOMI)

Since the start of the year hundreds of children have been casualties of conflict, burning, airstrikes, landmines/uxo, starvation, treatable and manageable disease, chronic infections, and affects from dirty water.

Most needed:

● Mosquito nets

● General medicines (including, pain killers, antibiotics and antivirals)

● Nutrient dense foods, including fresh vegetables and fruit

● Infant aid and care supplies (Diapers, formula, hand breast pumps, bottles, and sterilising items)

● Sanitary care items for young girls

● Underwear

● Clothing and shoes

● Milk and milk powder

● Tarp and blankets

● Stationary and education supplies

● Support items such as toys

● Vaccines

● Medical treatment

● Prosthetics

● Disability aids

● Water and WASH care items

With the vast number of children in need, SFH teams work tirelessly to ensure every penny donated is maximized to its fullest potential, to give as much aid as possible.

In specific areas the focus is divided into medical aid and food supplies, or education and food supplies,

depending on the current situation of the area.

1 USD = (3310/3290kyat ESTIMATE)

(Targeted numbers are estimates only, total number which can be reached is likely higher.)

With the funding of 5000USD- (Roughly 16,450,000kyat)

1.⁠ ⁠Food supplies

2.⁠ ⁠Medical aid/medicines

3.⁠ ⁠Infant care packages

4.⁠ ⁠Clothing and underwear

5.⁠ ⁠Hygiene packets

With 5K emergency supplies and medicine can be delivered to several hundred children within multiple states.

With funding 10,000USD (roughly 32,900,000kyat)

1.⁠ ⁠Food

2.⁠ ⁠Water filters

3.⁠ ⁠Medical aid, medicine and training

4.⁠ ⁠clothing, underwear and waterproof items 0

5.⁠ ⁠Infant care

6.⁠ ⁠⁠6. Hygiene packages

7.⁠ ⁠Education support

8.⁠ ⁠Shelter kits

With 10K There is the possibility of supporting mothers and children in several states, including labour and medical care.

With funding of 15,000USD (Roughly 49,350,000kyat)

1.⁠ ⁠Shelter kits

2.⁠ ⁠Education support

3.⁠ ⁠Clothing

4.⁠ ⁠Hygiene kits

5.⁠ ⁠Food support

6.⁠ ⁠Medical/medicine support

7.⁠ ⁠Infant care

8.⁠ ⁠Water filters

With 15K longer term aid and supplies can reach over 1500 children in several states

Here are just some of the things that can be done with smaller amounts of funds.

1.⁠ ⁠$100- Buys enough food for over 50 children for 1 week (Rice, vegetables and salt)

2.⁠ ⁠$200- Buys food, water and milk powder for 50-100 children for several days

3.⁠ ⁠$300- Buys disability aids for 22 children, food for 50 children for 1 week

4.⁠ ⁠$400- Buys treatment and medical aid for 210 children and small food parcels

5.⁠ ⁠$500- Buys life-saving surgery and treatment for 213 children and food parcels

Thank you so much for reading this and sharing it with your networks. I know you have huge hearts and I believe we can reach 15000 or more for these innocent children because this is real and it matters.

I’m going to make an official page and whatever I can, but I don’t want to wait when these children’s lives are in the balance. We will also provide a report to all the donors of course. I learned on the shores of Lesvos that people are good, people want to help each other, they just need to know how. These children can be saved if people know they can help. Thank you with all our hearts.

Zoë Wild