Things That Matter by Zoë Wild

One of the best days here was a few weeks ago with Sam Hamoui. I wasn't going to share, for privacy sake, but I think you should know exactly how huge an impact your donations are having on refugee's lives. With your donations we were able to get a prosthetic arm for a boy who had lost his in a bomb blast and also pay for physical therapy 3x/week for 3 months for a 6 year old girl who was shot in the shoulder. Both were unable to move forward in their healing without your donations.

Checking in now a couple weeks later on how they are doing – we hear that the boy, who was very angry and shy and getting into trouble before, is doing so much better not only physically but socially – he plays with the other kids now, smiles and laughs, and is open to collaborating with others.

There’s not really anything that feels better than that.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You make the difference.


Donate to situations like this (emergency aid) Like us! One Light Global

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